I had such an amazing time in Maine. I wish I could spend every day drinking coffee and cooking with you. It was so - well - needed.
Things have been a little crazy since I got back to Brooklyn. In fact, I've been so busy these past few weeks that I haven't had time to cook and - get this - successfully finished off all the yummy food I froze for the winter months. The soups. The chili. The coq au vin. All delicious. All gone. To fill the newly found freezer space, I decided to make a huge batch of butternut squash and apple soup this weekend. It was super easy and made at least three quarts of healthy, flavorful goodness.
Butternut Squash and Apple Soup
2 T butter
2 T olive oil
4 cups chopped onions
2 T curry powder (heaping tablespoons if you love curry as much as I do)
5 lbs butternut squash (squash is most flavorful when it's small & feels heavy for its size)
1.5 lbs Macintosh apples
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
2 cups chicken or vegetable broth
1 cup high-quality apple cider
Warm the butter, olive oil, onions, and curry powder in a large stockpot uncovered over low heat for 15 to 20 minutes, until the onions are tender. While the onions are cooking, peel and cube the squash and apples. Add the squash, apples, salt, pepper, and 2 cups of broth to the pot. Bring to a boil, cover, and cook over low heat until the squash and apples are very soft (about 40 minutes). Puree the contents of the pot with a hand immersion blender. Add the apple cider. Check the salt and pepper and serve hot.
